Family history

When you enter the HOTEL HEIGL, you will feel the special atmosphere of our very personally managed hotel. At our ancestral gallery, which spans several floors, you can follow the traces of the Heigl family and get to the bottom of our history.

Here you get a small and summarized insight from the time the company was founded until now:

Construction of the Hotel Heigl by Michael Heigl (senior) & his children, Josef & Liane Heigl

The Hotel Heigl opens its doors

Familiy history Hotel Heigl
Familiy history Hotel Heigl


Marriage of Liane Heigl and Egon Fibich


First renovation of the Hotel Heigl


Michael and Rosi Heigl take over the business from Egon Fibich and have managed it successfully


Birth of daughter Katharina


Birth of daughter Victoria


Installation of our "Klafs" sauna, which is still a unique selling piont in our category


Katharina marries Adrian Jarosch


Katharina Jarosch (née Heigl) joins the family business as the 4th generation

Victoria marries Fabian Kramer


February: Philomena, daughter of Victoria & Fabian Kramer, is born
April: Mila, daughter of Katharina & Adrian Jarosch, is born


June: Mathilda, Victoria & Fabian Kramer's second daughter, is born


Katharina Jarosch is the fourth generation to take over the Hotel Heigl

What we represent:

  • A family-run private hotel with 38 Bavarian-style rooms
  • Located in the southern Munich district of "Solln", only 8 km from Marienplatz
  • All employees are part of our hotel family
  • Our passion is dealing with people and this passion has been driving us for generations

What distinguishes us from other hotels:

  • We are a family-run hotel, not a hotel chain
    • With us every room is individually and comfortably furnished
    • Our team consists exclusively of long-standing and loyal employees
    • Errors and criticism are allowed with us
Familiy Hotel Heigl

How can we help you?

+49 89 74 98 370

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